Saturday 3 September 2011

Marketing Advice from - The Archers!!!

Rural Fiction Recommends Digital Marketing Solutions!

On the day of her A level results, precocious Pip Archer offers her advice to a fellow Archers character for an on line marketing strategy. She suggests that mobile websites, - those specifically designed to be viewed on phones, rather than Smart phone “ ap’s”,  are important as more people will access the web by phone than by computer by 2013.

With irritating ease she points out that the normal website "needs lots of keywords in the text to optimise search engine results". Furthermore, she notes it is vital to create accounts with all the key social networking sites and micro-blogging sites and add links to them from your home page. Crucially they should be updated frequently. The “buzz” around your brand encourages customers to send invites to family and friends.

Finally, she stresses the importance of monitoring traffic to your website from downloadable software.

Hmmm, I’m humbled. My blogs feel rather antiquated and inadequate. Can anyone suggest a knowledgeable teenager for my marketing plan?